We all know this sport can cause injury, sometimes very serious injury. That fact often gets away from us and we ride faster than we should. Taking fast riding off the street and to the track instead is smart. But it is only a move in the right direction toward safer, more controlled riding. How you use the track time determines how good a rider you'll become.
From my experience, and from the experience I've gained working at professional schools, I've learned that the only way to be a better/faster/safer rider is to identify weaknesses and work on improving them. And there's no better place to do this than at a track where conditions are controlled, help is available, and medical experts are at hand. Everyone has weaknesses, everyone has skills to improve, and no one can improve those weaknesses and skills while riding as fast as he can. No one.
Come to a track day to have fun, learning in a safe environment. Seek advice from the many experts who attend. Learn and work on your racing lines, braking technique, throttle control, and smooth downshifting. Experiment with advanced techniques like trail-braking, using the brakes and throttle to position your bike, carrying corner speed, improving exit speed. Get help tuning your suspension properly. Come to learn. Come to practice. But please: do not sign up if you are looking for a place to race your buddy. Or beat your top speed down the straight. Do not sign up if all you plan to do is ride as fast as you possibly can.
Please help make these safe events. Come prepared to improve your skills, not just your lap times. And ride within your limits.
Szymon Dziadzia
President, Keigwins@theTrack, Inc.
Jesse Carter
VP of Operations, Keigwins@theTrack, Inc.